Category Parenting

A Letter to My 5-Year Old

Little girl on a kayak

You turned 5 yesterday. 5! A post shared by Felicita Moncada (@fmoncada) on Apr 21, 2017 at 6:31pm PDT It was a day filled with celebration but it also made me sad because you are growing up. Soon you’ll be…

Halo Rover – The Hoverboard You Need

Halo board rover

The hoverboard craze has officially hit the Moncada household. Yes, this 30-something mom just rode a hoverboard. Not just any hoverboard but the Halo Rover. The best of all hoverboards. The holidays are right around the corner and my son…

Video Games the Whole Family will Love!

Post contains affiliate links. It just means I get a small commission if you make a picture when you click any of my links. It is no additional cost to you. Do you enjoy playing video games with your family?…