How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30’s

Have your best skin in your 30’s with products from PMD Beauty! Save 25% off when you sign up for their newsletter. Our skin tends…


Have your best skin in your 30’s with products from PMD Beauty! Save 25% off when you sign up for their newsletter.
Take care of your skin in your 30's

Our skin tends to change as we get older which means our beauty routine has to change as well. My skin has always been problematic so I’ve always had a skin regimen that consisted of various products. The best part is that there are so many products and devices that can help our aging skin. Products from PMD Beauty have changed my beauty regimen for the better, making it easier to help my acne-prone skin. Yes, it is crazy to me how I still suffer from acne in my 30’s! Learning how to take care of your skin in your 30’s will be a great foundation for the future.

How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30’s


Cleansing your skin is definitely one of the most important steps in your skin regimen. Use a mild cleanser if you have sensitive skin. Cleanse your skin two times a day – morning and night. PMD Clean has been my new favorite product to use with my cleanser. The PMD Clean uses SonicGlow Technology™ has over 7,000 vibrations per minute, deeply removes the skin’s impurities by breaking down dirt and oil from within the pores. Sounds amazing, right? You get a cleaner, fresher face. The device can also be used to apply moisturizer and serums so it penetrates deeper into your pores, making it more effective. Using ultra-hygienic silicone, PMD Clean is odor-resistant, antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and waterproof. Our hassle-free brush head never needs replacing.

PMD Clean cleansing device


We all face different skin issues whether it is acne, dryness, oiliness, or a combination of the three. We have to treat each of these issues differently. Apply creams, serums, and even oils to help target the areas that need each specific thing. You want to treat right after cleansing to apply the product/products to fully absorb, let it sit for a minimum of 5 minutes. You can use the other side of PMD Clean to apply serums to your face for better penetration. Give the products you are using a chance to work – you may not see results right away. Patience is key!


Exfoliation should be done once or twice a week to give your skin time to heal and get to work. Using a personal microdermabrasion device like PMD Personal Microderm can help your skin tremendously! The weekly treatments you can do at home will give you smoother, brighter, youthful looking skin. The vacuum suction helps your skin look more even which also helps moisturizers and serums absorb better into the skin. Spinning Discs embedded with aluminum oxide crystals exfoliate away dead, dull cells from the surface of the skin. It helps with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Let’s try to prolong that process for as long as we can! Who’s with me? Getting rid of all those dead skin cells is a breeze with PMD Personal Microderm. You are left with cells that can regenerate leaving you with glowing skin!

How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30's

PMD Personal Microderm


Protecting our skin from the sun is very important. Look for a moisturizer that offers SPF protection. It will help your skin from developing sun spots or darkening existing dark spots. Buy an SPF lotion that is specifically for your face. The products that we put on our bodies may not necessarily be the best for our face.

How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30

If you want to take your beauty regimen to the next level, using PMD Kiss to plump your lips will definitely give you the wow factor! Get those lips looking extra luscious with PMD Kiss. PMD Kiss is an anti-aging lip plumping treatment. It uses pulsating vacuum technology and specially formulated serum to create a fuller appearance of lip volume and restores youthfulness to lips. With daily use, PMD Kiss will boost collagen and create long-lasting plumped up results. You’ll get your natural lip color back!

You can save 25% off PMD products by signing up for their newsletter (cannot be combined with other offers or sale items). I’ve personally used all three products and have seen differences in the texture of my skin. I know I have a long journey ahead of me because of my hormonal acne but it is definitely helping me improve my skin issues.

The 30’s never looked so good!

What is your “must-have” beauty product? 

Skincare tips for your 30's



  1. The PMD Clean sounds like something I need. I love a good deep cleaning of my face and I feel sometimes I am barely going beyond the surface. I definitely see a difference in my skin when I stick to a cleaning routine.

  2. I own the PMD and love it! I do need to get back to using it more though. I got kind of lazy but it does work great when I use it like I should. It is so important to take care of our skin and the younger we start the better off we are!

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