Things I Learned in 2014…


2014. A big year for my family and my blog. I like to think that every year I grow as a person. After all we grow older and as the saying goes, “wiser”. I learned a few things about myself this year.

  • I can handle a lot – Being a mother, wife, working full time, and running a blog has made me stronger
  • Learned to enjoy the “small” things in life
  • Learned that everything happens for a reason
  • Learned that I need a schedule
  • Learned that friends make my life so much better
  • Learned that my kids won’t be little forever
  • Learned that my husband is super supportive and loving
  • Learned that if I need help, I need to ask

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I learned so many lessons that my life will continue to improve because of it. Some lessons were hard, like asking for help. I hate burdening other people when I have an issue but that is what family/friends are for – to help when a person is in need. Having two kids – an almost 3 year old and a 6 year old, they require an abundance of attention. Sometimes I forget that I’m a wife too, not just a mom. Sometimes the man in our life requires attention too. I confided in a good friend, whom I met this year, about my feelings and she gave me great advice. She told me to schedule in my date nights and stick with them! It made a world of a difference! Going out feeling like a woman again, feeling like a wife. My husband and I now make date nights a priority. I remind myself often, when I’m struggling with finding a balance that asking for help is OK. Have you ever experienced that?

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The blog has grown this year but it was exhausting for me. As I mentioned before I work full time so I blog after 8pm after both of my kids are asleep. You can just imagine how sleep depraved I am! Going to bed at 1am every day is just not healthy for me. It leads to mental and physical exhaustion which is not productive. I want to create better content by going back to doing what I love – crafting/DIY, chronicling my family life, sharing the new book I’m reading, and so much more. Product reviews and giveaways are exhausting when that is all I’m doing. I will continue to have reviews and giveaways but they will be less often. Giveaways bring me good traffic but they don’t offer interaction with my readers. I want to get to know YOU, my loyal readers. I want to schedule my post so I can spend more time with my family. I know my kids won’t be little forever and I want them to have memorable experiences.

  • Improve my pictures – Taking a photograph course
  • Write about family experiences/Travel/events
  • Crafts/DIY
  • Latino inspired recipes
  • Beauty/fashion
  • Product reviews/giveaway

Is there anything else you would like to see?


Personally, 2015 should bring my family a bigger house (we’re getting ready to list our little house!) with a lot more space! I will definitely share my house buying experience round 2 as I learned A LOT since buying a house 5 years ago! I am looking forward to having more space!

I’ll be turning 30 years old in February, the big 3-0! Eee! I’m taking the opportunity to get fit and healthy. I’m still young – I need to get active. I want to look and feel good about myself. I was selected to be a Nutrisystem Blogger, which will help kick start my weight loss goals! Excited to be embarking in this journey, which I will share will all of you!

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I want to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year from my family to yours!